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99 Anger Quotes

  1.  Grab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear. Zora Neale Hurston
  2. The poor monkey, quietly seated on the ground, seemed to be in sore trouble at this display of anger. Henry Walter Bates
  3. Anger is implanted in us as sort of sting, to make us gnash with our teeth against the devil, to make us vehement against him, not to set us in array against each other. Richard Savage
  4. The deferring of anger is the best antidote to anger. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  5. If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size? Sydney J. Harris
  6. In high school I dated a white woman. She would come to visit me on the rez. And her dad, who was very racist, didn't like that at all. And he told her one time, 'You shouldn't go on the rez if you're white because Indians have a lot of anger in their heart.' Sherman Alexie
  7. At the time, 1980, people regarded actresses involved with production with a certain amount of fear, resentment and anger. Jacqueline Bisset
  8. In our daily life, we encounter people who are angry, deceitful, intent only on satisfying their own needs. There is so much anger, distrust, greed, and pettiness that we are losing our capacity to work well together. Margaret J. Wheatley
  9. So many women keep their anger inside and let it build until they explode and then people blow them off again. Rosalind Wiseman
  10. Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose. Baltasar Gracian
  11. In the heat of our campaigns, we have all become accustomed to a little anger and exaggeration. Yet, on the whole, our political process has served us well. Edmund S. Muskie
  12. Anger is one of the sinews of the soul. Thomas Fuller
  13. Indulge not thyself in the passion of anger it is whetting a sword to wound thine own breast, or murder thy friend. Akhenaton
  14. Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. Ambrose Bierce
  15. I don't play pyrotechnic scales. I play about frustration, patience, anger. Music is an extension of my soul. Dick Dale
  16. It absolutely helped - to write the father in both 'Juicy' and 'Beasts,' I had to see the whole story from his point of view. All of a sudden I understood more of what my own father must be going through - the fear, the frustration, the anger... the hope that he'll leave a legacy. Lucy Alibar
  17. Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned. William Congreve
  18. Beware of him that is slow to anger for when it is long coming, it is the stronger when it comes, and the longer kept. Abused patience turns to fury. Francis Quarles
  19. What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels. Saint Augustine
  20. Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you. Austin O'Malley
  21. The anger that Uncle Junior has comes from my background. My father was the son of an Italian immigrant, and I've seen the fire of the Italian temperament. It can be explosive sometimes in ways that are both funny and tragic. Dominic Chianese
  22. Us investigators who went out into the field were faced on occasion with a lot of anger, by people saying why has it taken you five or six year to come and see me? Tony Greig
  23. I have not lost faith in God. I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I've been closer to him for that reason. Elie Wiesel
  24. I'm not as angry as I used to be. But I can get in touch with that anger pretty quickly if I feel my space is being invaded or somebody is not treating me with the respect that I think I want. Samuel L. Jackson
  25. When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred. Thomas Jefferson
  26. My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual. Phyllis Diller
  27. I also had to work through the violation of my date rape, my unhealthy relationships with men, my anger toward the people involved in the scandal, and those who exploited me afterwards. Donna Rice
  28. That feeds anger, and I mean when we went and at last thank heavens got towards peace in Northern Ireland we went for justice within Northern Ireland as well as using security well, as well as a political settlement, but surely that is the lesson. Clare Short
  29. Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten. John Dryden
  30. On banks, I make no apology for attacking spivs and gamblers who did more harm to the British economy than Bob Crow could achieve in his wildest Trotskyite fantasies, while paying themselves outrageous bonuses underwritten by the taxpayer. There is much public anger about banks and it is well deserved. Vince Cable
  31. Anger ventilated often hurries towards forgiveness anger concealed often hardens into revenge. Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
  32. People have said I'm the candidate of anger. Well, we have a right to be angry. We lost 3 million jobs. We lost our place as the moral leader of the world. Howard Dean
  33. It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either. Wayne Dyer
  34. We're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear and sadness, and to me they're of equal value to happiness, excitement and inspiration. Alanis Morissette
  35. I think I'm basically the same guy I always was. Maybe I've learned, through experience, to rein in some of the anger and temper they say redheads normally have. Willie Nelson
  36. You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. Buddha
  37. The great thing about celebrity culture is that they can't seem to stop themselves from displaying their ridiculous behaviour. I feel it's my job as a serious investigative journalist to witness all kinds of behaviour and then report back to the audience through the prism of my own anger and bitterness. Kathy Griffin
  38. Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor. Francis Bacon
  39. Words can be said in bitterness and anger, and often there seems to be an element of truth in the nastiness. And words don't go away, they just echo around. Jane Goodall
  40. When anger rushes unrestrained to action, like a hot steed, it stumbles on its way. The man of thought strikes deepest and strikes safely. Richard Savage
  41. Your anger is a gift. Zack de la Rocha
  42. I was never jailed. The fact is that I was arrested, but I went into a diversion programme, and by that time I'd already begun working in what was called anger management. It was a painful and awful moment. David Soul
  43. The reason why I love people, and writing about them, is because they don't always respond with hate and anger. If they did I wouldn't have a story to tell. Who wants to know about someone who was brutalised and became brutal? I'm interested in the exceptions. Chris Cleave
  44. Fair peace becomes men ferocious anger belongs to beasts. Ovid
  45. Somebody hits me, I'm going to hit him back. Even if it does look like he hasn't eaten in a while. Charles Barkley
  46. My anger with the US was not at first, that they had used that weapon - although that anger came later. Wilfred Burchett
  47. Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. Mahatma Gandhi
  48. There's no anger ever in a spiritual. There's always the dream of a hope of a better day coming. That God understands the troubles that I'm experiencing. Jessye Norman
  49. No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched. George Jean Nathan
  50. Because society would rather we always wore a pretty face, women have been trained to cut off anger. Nancy Friday
  51. Everybody kind of perceives me as being angry. It's not anger, it's motivation. Roger Clemens
  52. Fear is the only true enemy, born of ignorance and the parent of anger and hate. Edward Albert
  53. Don't get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects. Richard M. Nixon
  54. He that would be angry and sin not, must not be angry with anything but sin. John Ruskin
  55. Deep down, my mom had long suspected I was gay... Much of her anger and hurt came from her sense of betrayal that she was the last to be told. Chaz Bono
  56. Men make angry music and it's called rock-and-roll women include anger in their vocabulary and suddenly they're angry and militant. Ani DiFranco
  57. I guess because I had such a horrible life growing up, going from place to place not knowing what I was gonna do and ending up being homeless, there was a lot of pain and a lot of anger that was coming out through my guitar playing. Dave Mustaine
  58. I accrued anger from people's low opinion of me and my work, and for the work I might be capable of. Harrison Ford
  59. Life is precious and there's not a lot of room for anger. Fran Drescher
  60. We should meet abuse by forbearance. Human nature is so constituted that if we take absolutely no notice of anger or abuse, the person indulging in it will soon weary of it and stop. Mahatma Gandhi
  61. Anger cannot be dishonest. Marcus Aurelius
  62. Expressing anger is a form of public littering. Willard Gaylin
  63. You've just got to have a sense of respect for the person you have children with. Anger doesn't help anybody. Ultimately you have to say forgiveness is important, and honoring what you had together is important. But it's easy to say and harder to do. Nicole Kidman
  64. I get in trouble when I say things like, 'I'm attracted to violence.' I was a pretty angry kid, and I got into military history largely as a way to vent my own anger. As I got older it narrowed down to a more specific focus on individual violence. I'm just trying to understand where it came from. Caleb Carr
  65. As a system of philosophy it is not like the Tower of Babel, so daring its high aim as to seek a shelter against God's anger but it is like a pyramid poised on its apex. Adam Sedgwick
  66. I did not want to put myself on the line, as an Australian playing Britain's greatest comic actor. The fans of Sellers are obsessive, possessive - and aggressive. I did not want to risk their anger - or my own reputation. Geoffrey Rush
  67. He who is incapable of feeling strong passions, of being shaken by anger, of living in every sense of the word, will never be a good actor. Sarah Bernhardt
  68. I drank for about 25 years getting over the loss of my father and I took the anger out on myself. I did a good job at beating myself up at sometimes. I don't drink anymore but my alcoholic head occasionally says different. 'Nil By Mouth' was a love letter to my father because I needed to resolve some issues in order to be able to forgive him. Gary Oldman
  69. My heart has been heavy and I have deliberated within my own conscience, knowing that my decision should not come out of my initial emotion of anger toward the President for such reckless behavior, but should be based on the facts. Blanche Lincoln
  70. Hatred is an affair of the heart contempt that of the head. Arthur Schopenhauer
  71. Insurgents have capitalized on popular resentment and anger towards the United States and the Iraqi government to build their own political, financial and military support, and the faith of Iraqi citizens in their new government has been severely undermined. Tom Lantos
  72. I don't think I could play a character that I couldn't relate to somehow. I'm not unfamiliar with frustration, anger, shame, helplessness and a load of other emotions that make up our psycho-soup. I try to focus on that frustration, that sense of unfairness, and multiply it. Terry O'Quinn
  73. Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools. Albert Einstein
  74. Anger's not a good emotion. Lincoln Chafee
  75. I don't think your ability to fight has anything to do with how big you are. It's to do with how much anger is in you. Amy Winehouse
  76. I turned to music originally because of my past and needing a release or an outlet to get out anger or frustration or hurt. Christina Aguilera
  77. I am ready to accept all accusations, allegations, anger - but I have to succeed. Boris Trajkovski
  78. Five enemies of peace inhabit with us - avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace. Petrarch
  79. I really believe that all of us have a lot of darkness in our souls. Anger, rage, fear, sadness. I don't think that's only reserved for people who have horrible upbringings. I think it really exists and is part of the human condition. I think in the course of your life you figure out ways to deal with that. Kevin Bacon
  80. But on second thought, after I decreed the state of emergency, I came to the conclusion that that was impossible to achieve without bloodshed because the street protesters were full of anger and nearly out of control. This is why I thought we needed to find another way out. Eduard Shevardnadze
  81. Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness. Naomi Campbell
  82. A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green. Francis Bacon
  83. Religion can emerge in all forms of feeling: here wild anger, there the sweetest pain here consuming hatred, there the childlike smile of serene humility. Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
  84. The world in general doesn't know what to make of originality it is startled out of its comfortable habits of thought, and its first reaction is one of anger. W. Somerset Maugham
  85. I think people should be angry at things that are worthy of anger. Injustice is outrageous and deserves outrage. Chris Hayes
  86. My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world. Jack Layton
  87. There are people still in the Republican Party that I believe practice the communication of anger, of disappointment, of regret, of pain, of sorrow, of suffering. That's not what the American people want to hear. Frank Luntz
  88. Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  89. Anger has a way of seeping into every other emotion and planting itself in there. Dane Cook
  90. Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. J. R. R. Tolkien
  91. All anger is not sinful, because some degree of it, and on some occasions, is inevitable. But it becomes sinful and contradicts the rule of Scripture when it is conceived upon slight and inadequate provocation, and when it continues long. Wilson Mizner
  92. Quite a lot of our contemporary culture is actually shot through with a resentment of limits and the passage of time, anger at what we can't do, fear or even disgust at growing old. Rowan Williams
  93. Every time you get angry, you poison your own system. Alfred A. Montapert
  94. My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Beverly Sills
  95. I think anger and laughter are very close to each other, when you think about it. Albert Brooks
  96. I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry. Maxine Waters
  97. I know of no more disagreeable situation than to be left feeling generally angry without anybody in particular to be angry at. Frank Moore Colby
  98. For me music is a vehicle to bring our pain to the surface, getting it back to that humble and tender spot where, with luck, it can lose its anger and become compassion again. Paula Cole
  99. Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about, and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed. Carl Sandburg


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