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99 Knowledge Quotes

  1.  It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Albert Einstein
  2. Western civilization, unfortunately, does not link knowledge and morality but rather, it connects knowledge and power and makes them equivalent. Vine Deloria, Jr.
  3. Most North Americans know that human-caused global warming is real, even if political leaders don't always reflect or act on that knowledge. David Suzuki
  4. Ignorance is the curse of God knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. William Shakespeare
  5. As long as acquiring knowledge is the educational goal of schools, educational opportunities will be limited, as they are now, to affluent families. William Glasser
  6. It is remarkable how many misconceptions there are here about life in the developing world and I think that that knowledge gap has done a lot to contribute to the imbalance quite frankly. Emma Thompson
  7. The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder. Ralph W. Sockman
  8. The goal of NIH research is to acquire new knowledge to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat disease and disability, from the rarest genetic disorder to the common cold. Ike Skelton
  9. A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. Thomas Carlyle
  10. True knowledge lies in knowing how to live. Baltasar Gracian
  11. All handling by IPCC of the Sea Level questions have been done in a way that cannot be accepted and that certainly not concur with modern knowledge of the mode and mechanism of sea level changes. Nils-Axel Morner
  12. You can acquire a lot of knowledge without ever going to school. William Glasser
  13. Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile. Abu Bakr
  14. If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom. Sydney Madwed
  15. I want to be safe in the knowledge that I can tour and play festivals for a long time. The main thing is that I want a good reputation as a live performer. If I have that, I'd be so happy. Ellie Goulding
  16. Wonder is the desire for knowledge. Thomas Aquinas
  17. Science is the knowledge of consequences, and dependence of one fact upon another. Thomas Hobbes
  18. And most importantly perhaps, children can learn about their rights, share their knowledge with the children of other nations, identify problems with them and establish how they might work together to address them. Carol Bellamy
  19. I've done a lot of things in a business where you're lucky to stay alive, so when the time comes, I'll be happy to pass my knowledge along and help someone else. Felix Baumgartner
  20. The existence of inherent limits of experience in no way settles the question about the subordination of facts of the human world to our knowledge of matter. Wilhelm Dilthey
  21. My understanding is that what was provided was general order of battle information, not operational intelligence. I certainly have no knowledge of US participation in preparing battle and strike packages and doubt strongly that that occurred. Frank Carlucci
  22. The most wonderful study of mankind is man. Relieving human suffering and diffusing universal knowledge is humanitarian. Daniel D. Palmer
  23. We are least open to precise knowledge concerning the things we are most vehement about. Eric Hoffer
  24. Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. Carl Sagan
  25. The family teaches us about the importance of knowledge, education, hard work and effort. It teaches us about enjoying ourselves, having fun, keeping fit and healthy. Kamisese Mara
  26. Every job leaves its residue, a bit of extra knowledge, a new skill-set. Joel Edgerton
  27. Knowledge is not eating, and we cannot expect to devour and possess what we mean. Knowledge is recognition of something absent it is a salutation, not an embrace. George Santayana
  28. Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. Alfred Lord Tennyson
  29. Knowledge is ancient error reflecting on its youth. Francis Picabia
  30. The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do. James Allen
  31. Now, my knowledge of photography was terribly limited. Ben Shahn
  32. I don't keep my secrets or my knowledge to myself. Natalia Makarova
  33. The realm of immediate or personal knowledge is a narrow circle in which these bodies move the realm of knowledge derived through faith is as wide as the universe, and old as eternity. Matthew Simpson
  34. Radical constructivism, thus, is radical because it breaks with convention and develops a theory of knowledge in which knowledge does not reflect an 'objective' ontological reality. Paul Watzlawick
  35. If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger? Thomas Huxley
  36. It is impossible to make people understand their ignorance, for it requires knowledge to perceive it and, therefore, he that can perceive it hath it not. Jeremy Taylor
  37. Our knowledge is a receding mirage in an expanding desert of ignorance. Will Durant
  38. Darrell is really good in the studio. I mean, he has a real working knowledge of how the process works, and what sounds good coming back over tape, and how the stuff works together. Guy Clark
  39. Nothing leads so straight to futility as literary ambitions without systematic knowledge. H. G. Wells
  40. Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power. Horace Mann
  41. Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous. Plato
  42. There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge. Bertrand Russell
  43. Now will I rehearse before you a very ancient Breton Lay. As the tale was told to me, so, in turn, will I tell it over again, to the best of my art and knowledge. Hearken now to my story, its why and its reason. Marie de France
  44. One whose knowledge is confined to books and whose wealth is in the possession of others, can use neither his knowledge nor wealth when the need for them arises. Chanakya
  45. Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. Anton Chekhov
  46. People of small caliber are always carping. They are bent on showing their own superiority, their knowledge or prowess or good breeding. Van Wyck Brooks
  47. Perhaps as good a classification as any of the main types is that of the three lusts distinguished by traditional Christianity - the lust of knowledge, the lust of sensation, and the lust of power. Irving Babbitt
  48. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones. Arthur Conan Doyle
  49. The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. John F. Kennedy
  50. The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts. Bertrand Russell
  51. The world of knowledge takes a crazy turn when teachers themselves are taught to learn. Bertolt Brecht
  52. Knowledge is soon changed, then lost in the mist, an echo half-heard. Gene Wolfe
  53. Thus, in accordance with the spirit of the Historical School, knowledge of the principles of the human world falls within that world itself, and the human sciences form an independent system. Wilhelm Dilthey
  54. Inductive reason, which alone makes man master of his environment, is an achievement and when once born it must be reinforced by inhibiting the growth of other modes of knowledge. Muhammad Iqbal
  55. Discussion is an exchange of knowledge an argument an exchange of ignorance. Robert Quillen
  56. I had a vision how it should sound and I put all my knowledge into this product and it is a fantastic product. People still tell me that I have the best musical thing there. Miroslav Vitous
  57. The channels of intuitive knowledge are opened according to the intensity of individual need. Jane Roberts
  58. A number of scientists with greatly different backgrounds can come up with completely different assessments. The discussions or controversies are endless. Once a year, we try to bring the most important discoverers together to exchange their experiences and knowledge. Richard Leakey
  59. When you deal with a person who's experiencing dementia, you can see where they're struggling with knowledge. You can see what they forget completely, what they forget but they know what they once knew. You can tell how they're trying to remember. Walter Mosley
  60. It may, however, be said that the level of experience to which concepts are inapplicable cannot yield any knowledge of a universal character, for concepts alone are capable of being socialized. Muhammad Iqbal
  61. I would rather excel in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and possessions. Plutarch
  62. The idea of trying to create things that last - forever knowledge - has guided my work for a long time now. Edward Tufte
  63. An humble knowledge of thyself is a surer way to God than a deep search after learning. Thomas a Kempis
  64. But although all our knowledge begins with experience, it does not follow that it arises from experience. Immanuel Kant
  65. I would like to have the superpower of being able to touch a book and then gain all the knowledge out of that book without spending hours and days reading it. Nicholas Brendon
  66. Well, the truth is always what should be told. And the truth and the knowledge of the truth is what everybody should represent, regardless of the consequences of doing it. Johnny Isakson
  67. And indeed this theme has been at the centre of all my research since 1943, both because of its intrinsic fascination and my conviction that a knowledge of sequences could contribute much to our understanding of living matter. Frederick Sanger
  68. I think it is totally wrong and terribly harmful if education is defined as acquiring knowledge. William Glasser
  69. How are men to be secured in any rights without instruction how to be secured in the equal exercise of those rights without equality of instruction? By instruction understand me to mean knowledge - just knowledge not talent, not genius, not inventive mental powers. Frances Wright
  70. It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen. Oliver Wendell Holmes
  71. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but a little want of knowledge is also a dangerous thing. Samuel Butler
  72. But the egoist has no ideals, for the knowledge that his ideals are only his ideals, frees him from their domination. He acts for his own interest, not for the interest of ideals. John Buchanan Robinson
  73. Helping someone come to a saving knowledge of Christ is the greatest achievement possible. Charles Stanley
  74. As a physician, I understand how important it is to collect data on people so we can understand what's happening with them. I will be in the position to help enable that knowledge. Laurel Clark
  75. In England only uneducated people show off their knowledge nobody quotes Latin or Greek authors in the course of conversation, unless he has never read them. George Mikes
  76. It is common knowledge that smoking is considered one of the nation's leading causes of preventable death, but it's less widely known that cigarettes are also the leading cause of fatal fires. Ed Markey
  77. The seat of knowledge is in the head of wisdom, in the heart. We are sure to judge wrong, if we do not feel right. William Hazlitt
  78. The presentations and conceptions of the average man of the world are formed and dominated, not by the full and pure desire for knowledge as an end in itself, but by the struggle to adapt himself favourably to the conditions of life. Ernst Mach
  79. To act on the belief that we possess the knowledge and the power which enable us to shape the processes of society entirely to our liking, knowledge which in fact we do not possess, is likely to make us do much harm. Friedrich August von Hayek
  80. I think Lenat is headed in the right direction, but someone needs to include a knowledge base about learning. Marvin Minsky
  81. Education is a private matter between the person and the world of knowledge and experience, and has little to do with school or college. Lillian Smith
  82. In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory. Alfred North Whitehead
  83. The only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance. Herodotus
  84. Agricultural practice served Darwin as the material basis for the elaboration of his theory of Evolution, which explained the natural causation of the adaptation we see in the structure of the organic world. That was a great advance in the knowledge of living nature. Trofim Lysenko
  85. Entire ignorance is not so terrible or extreme an evil, and is far from being the greatest of all too much cleverness and too much learning, accompanied with ill bringing-up, are far more fatal. Plato
  86. Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. Thomas Fuller
  87. If we had failed to pursue the facts as far as they led, we would have denied the public any knowledge of an unprecedented scheme of political surveillance and sabotage. Katharine Graham
  88. Education, whatever else it should or should not be, must be an inoculation against the poisons of life and an adequate equipment in knowledge and skill for meeting the chances of life. Havelock Ellis
  89. Knowledge slowly builds up what Ignorance in an hour pulls down. George Eliot
  90. The object of all the former voyages to the South Seas undertaken by the command of his present majesty, has been the advancement of science and the increase of knowledge. William Bligh
  91. Wisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge to the proper use. Thomas J. Watson
  92. After all manner of professors have done their best for us, the place we are to get knowledge is in books. The true university of these days is a collection of books. Albert Camus
  93. The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge. Kelsey Grammer
  94. Everything has been said yet few have taken advantage of it. Since all our knowledge is essentially banal, it can only be of value to minds that are not. Raoul Vaneigem
  95. Beware of false knowledge it is more dangerous than ignorance. George Bernard Shaw
  96. I don't claim to be knowledgeable about theology. Most of my knowledge comes out of my experience and the lessons in the Bible. Every Sunday I'm home I teach 45 minutes and we boiled them down to one page for the new book, 'Through the Year with Jimmy Carter.' Jimmy Carter
  97. The more knowledge you have, the greater will be your fear of Allah. Abu Bakr
  98. Knowledge is in the end based on acknowledgement. Ludwig Wittgenstein
  99. Borrowing knowledge of reality from all sources, taking the best from every study, Science of Mind brings together the highest enlightenment of the ages. Ernest Holmes


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